Human Operating System

We are born without an operating manual for our body. Discover the basic needs of the human body.

Library Store

Participation is the greatest way to learn. Books provide guidance to those who wish to effectively participate. Welcome to the Library Store.

Off Grid Solutions

Life starts in the womb and then we live with our caretaker. Later we move out on your own yet still depend on government for energy, water, and sewer grids. Complete your final step into autonomy and self-sustainability.


In a world where pesticides, chemicals, and genetic engineering are in the food supply, it is difficult to find real food like our ancestors ate before the industrial revolution. Find non-perishable foods without pesticides or genetic engineering here.

DIY Tips

Don’t wait for others. Do it yourself. This page provides DIY documents and infographics.

Giving Back

It is important to give back when one is able to do so. Pay it forward when you can.